Rare artefacts go on display for first time in new exhibitions in Lewis

Rare objects representing thousands of years of island life, from the Neolithic to the Viking Age, have gone on display in Lewis. More than 40 artefacts on loan from National Museums Scotland, including some displayed for the first time, feature in new exhibitions at Comunn Eachdraidh Nis and the Kinloch Historical Society Museum.

The artefacts were discovered at sites across Lewis and include a unique, complete 2500-year-old pot from Allt Cleascro, Achmore, found buried deep in peat, and an exceptionally rare example of pre-Viking Age Scandinavian craftsmanship.

The intricately decorated bronze mount was converted into a buckle during the Viking period and worn on its journey to Scotland. Brought together for the first time the objects provide an insight into the island’s deep past, revealing how people have lived and thrived in this area for thousands of years.  Na Dorsan opened at Comunn Eachdraidh Nis and charts the history of the Galson area. The objects, discovered on the Galson coastline, tell the fascinating story from the first farmers in the area, some 6,000 years ago, through to the arrival of Vikings on the island.

Unique find for Scotland

Archaeology Homecoming at the newly accredited Kinloch Historical Society Museum, also raises awareness of the area’s rich archaeology. The exhibition highlights remarkable finds like the Achmore pot, and significant features within the local landscape such as Sidival Stone circle.

Dr Fraser Hunter, Principal Curator of Prehistory and Roman Archaeology at National Museums Scotland, said: “It’s been a real treat collaborating on these exhibitions with our colleagues in Nis and Kinloch. These objects help bring the distant past to life, from elegant bone tools from Galson that show the craft skills of the Iron Age to the remarkable Viking-period bronze mount from Ath Linne, which is a unique find for Scotland.”

Photo: Scandinavian cast gilded bronze mount, Lewis. Image © National Museums Scotland.

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