ANZAC Day and Scots Who Have Served 2021

As Townsville will now be holding the traditional ANZAC Day Parade along the Strand on Sunday 25th April 2021, Townsville Scottish Community Inc, (TSC) are very pleased to confirm that the Scots Who Have Served contingent will be taking part. TSC are calling for additional people to take part under the Scots Who Have Served banner (seen here in 2019) to help make this year’s parade a great success. This event is coordinated by Les Nicholson on behalf of the TSC. 

Who can take part?

•Current or former military personnel (incl. reservists) of Scottish heritage or their family members;

•People who would like to honour the memory of Scottish ancestors who have served

No restriction on where the person served,  and they may be Scottish or of Scottish descent. Scots Who Have Served is a great opportunity for grand children who are old enough to do the march to join the ranks once filled by older family members.  Tartan needs to be worn – kilt, trews or tartan tie for gents and tartan skirt or sash for women, preferably with black shirt for men and black blouse or dress for women. Wearing service medals is encouraged.

We encourage people to participate in a wheelchair or with the aid of a mobility walker or scooter rather than struggling to do the march without assistance or not doing it at all due to poor health. 

If you or a family member or friend would like to take part, please reply to this email or contact Les directly on 0417637893 or email

1 thought on “ANZAC Day and Scots Who Have Served 2021”

  1. Thanks for including our information. It was a great morning and although we had several people who were unable to attend, some others joined in tofor the first time and will probably become regulars! New participants are always welcome!

    Kind regards

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