Scottish Banner advertising specifications
Please find below our advertising dimensions and artwork specifications. For an ad quote please contact your nearest regional office. Adverts not sent to size or to our requirements cannot be accepted.
Sizes | Metric Sizes (w x h) | Imperial Sizes (w x h) |
Full Page | 260mm x 375mm | 10.2″ x 14.8″ |
2/3 Page | 260mm x 292mm | 10.2″ x 11.5″ |
1/2 Page Horizontal | 260mm x 175mm | 10.2″ x 6.9″ |
1/2 Page Vertical | 127mm x 351mm | 5.0″ x 13.8″ |
1/3 Page | 260mm x 114mm | 10.2″ x 4.5″ |
1/4 Page Horizontal | 193mm x 114mm | 7.6″x 4.5″ |
1/4 Page Vertical | 127mm x 175mm | 5.0″ x 6.9″ |
1/6 Page Horizontal | 260mm x 55mm | 10.2″ x 2.2″ |
1/6 Page Vertical | 127mm x 114mm | 5.0″ x 4.5″ |
1/8 Page Horizontal | 127mm x 85mm | 5.0″ x 3.4″ |
1/8 Page Vertical | 61mm x 175mm | 2.4″ x 6.9 “ |
1/12 Page | 61mm x 114mm | 2.4″ x 4.5″ |
1/24 Page | 61mm x 55mm | 2.4″ x 2.2″ |
Electronic Specifications All files must be transmitted via email -JPEG, TIF, Word or PDF format (Minimum DPI 300 pixels resolution) or via a file sharing site with link access. All images should be prepared in CMYK and do not require bleed.
PDF Creation
- We accept press ready, high resolution PDF files.
- We recommend saving the file as an EPS out of your native program and using Acrobat Distiller to create the PDF.
- PDFs generated from within Office packages such as Word, Excel, Publisher or Powerpoint are not acceptable.
- PDFs generated from Adobe Photoshop are not acceptable.
- PDFs created from native programs such as Indesign, Quark Express, Illustrator or Freehand are acceptable.
Fonts & type
We do not recommend reversing text out of four colour images. Minimum type sizes:
- SINGLE solid colour: 6pt
- COLOURED type on a white background using two or three colour plates: 8pt
- REVERSED type out of one colour plates: 8pt
- REVERSED type out of two or more colour plates: 12pt san serif bold
All colour must be supplied as CMYK.
Total ink coverage: Please ensure all elements including any TIFFs, JPEGs, or EPS images within your file do not exceed CMYK Total Ink Percentage of 240%.
Fonts – Embedding and other recommendations
- Font embedding required Yes
- Font subsetting allowed Yes
- Recommended point size for coloured type 8pt
- Recommended weight for coloured type Bold
- Recommended plates allowed for coloured type 3
- Recommended point size for reversed type 12pt
- Recommended weight for reversed type Bold
- Recommended plates allowed for reversed type 3
- Recommended point size for single colour type (100% C,M or K) 6pt
- Please ensure that all colour images are in CMYK format not RGB. Embed all fonts.
Additional notes:
- Payment
- By cheque or money order, with artwork/signed insertion order (unless credit terms have been previously established) or by credit card: Visa or MasterCard, direct debit (EFT) or PayPal.
- Advertising rates are quoted to the client. Ad agencies must add agency fees as required.
Advert set up charges
- The Scottish Banner can help you create the ad you want that speaks to our readers. Charges $50 USD/ $50 CDN / £40 GBP/ $65 AUD per hour for advertisements up to 1/4 page, created by our staff. Absolutely no extra charges for press ready copy, as sent by PDF, JPG, TIF or via file sharing service.
- Deadlines
- Advertising contracts should be signed received by us no later than 10th of the month preceding insertion, ad copy and artwork no later than 15th of the month unless otherwise advised. Note: If material is not supplied by the appropriate deadline the publisher reserves the right to repeat material previously used. If further time is required please ask your representative as extensions may be possible.