Missouri Tartan Day Festivities
Washington - USA WashingtonPromoting Scottish-American culture through music, dance, food, athletics, storytelling at Washington Town and Country Fairgrounds, 323 W Main St. Info: http://www.motartanday.com
Promoting Scottish-American culture through music, dance, food, athletics, storytelling at Washington Town and Country Fairgrounds, 323 W Main St. Info: http://www.motartanday.com
Workshop classes at Pidherney Curling Centre, 4725-43 St. Info: Patti 403 342 5581 or http://www.reddeerscottishcountrydancers.weebly.com
Ceilidh weekend attracting dancers old and new. Info: http://www.orkneycommunities.co.uk.
SWCPDD is three days of piping, drumming and dancing, learning and fun with tuition from experienced international and national instructors at Ardlie Street Campus, Emmanuel College. Info: http://www.wadpadi.org.au.
Aloha Scotland at AlaMoana Beach Park, 1201 Ala Moana Blvd. Info: http://www.hawaiianscottishassociation.org.
An annual walking event taking place across Islay, Jura and Colonsay for all abilities. Info: http://www.walkislay.co.uk.