The Fitzgeralds Tartan Day Celebration

Toronto, ON , Canada

The Fitzgeralds are bringing their brilliant fiddle and step dancing show to Rivoli. Prepare to be amazed by their fast feet, faster hands and incredible stage presence. This dynamic family act is inspired by the music of Irish, Scottish and French immigrants. Info:

Tartans and Tunes

Flagstaff County, AB , Canada

Join the Flagstaff Scottish Club in celebrating Tartan Day with music, dance and more. Info:

RSCDS Hamilton Platinum Anniversary Ball

Hamilton, ON , Canada

Come celebrate with your friends-in-dance at RSCDS Hamilton, Canada’s 1st and oldest Branch celebrating their Platinum Anniversary — 70 years of Scottish Country Dancing in Hamilton! Live music by Scotch & Soda at Scottish Rite, 4 Queen Street South. Info:

Scottish Studies Society’s 2025 Scot of the Year Award

Toronto, ON , Canada

Dr.Lynn McDonald will be receiving the Scottish Studies Society's 2025 Scot of the Year Award in view of her long public career and many contributions to building a better Canada, especially in relation to women's equality and pay equity, at The Arts & Letters Club, 14 Elm St. Info:

Tartan Day Fling

Innisfail, AB , Canada

Hosted by the Red Deer Highland Games at Innisfail High School. Info:

Federation for Scottish Culture in Nova Scotia’s Salute to Tartan Day

Halifax, NS , Canada

Founded in Nova Scotia in 1986, Tartan Day has grown into an international celebration of Scottish culture, observed in countries like Canada, the United States, Australia, and Scotland itself. It’s a day to wear your tartan with pride and recognize the enduring contributions of the Scottish diaspora, at St. Margaret of Scotland Church Hall. Info:

Tartan Day Reception

Ottawa, ON , Canada

Beechwood Cemetery, The National Cemetery of Canada welcomes you to join them for an evening of music and history. The Sacred Space will be the setting for this gathering, and Director Nick McCarthy will share stories of Scottish-Canadian connections at Beechwood, and more. The Sons of Scotland Pipe Band help host this fundraiser, which helps ... Read more

Tartan Day 2025

An annual celebration of Scottish culture, heritage and recognises the incredible contributions Scottish immigrants have made to their new lands. A celebration of Scottish heritage on April 6, the date on which the Declaration of Arbroath was signed in 1320, and started by a Scottish Banner reader!

National Tartan Day Ottawa

Ottawa, ON , Canada

The Sons of Scotland Pipe Band welcome you to join them at their 17th annual National Tartan Day show on Parliament Hill. Come along in your tartans and bring your friends to enjoy a concert with pipes, drums, dancing and much more. Info:

Vancouver Ceilidh

Vancouver, BC , Canada

Ceilidh dance at the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson St– class 7 – 7:45 pm and dance from 8 to 10:30 ish.  $15 ($10 for students)  Cash only and cash donations for beer, cider, pop, juice and cookies etc.  Live music for the dance by Calanaish and all dances taught and walk though etc.  No ... Read more

Heather Ball

Vancouver, BC , Canada

Scottish country dance event at Scottish Cultural Centre,8886 Hudson St. Info:

VE Day 80 Ottawa

Ottawa, ON , Canada

The Sons of Scotland Pipe Band of Ottawa welcome pipers, drummers, and guests to join them in Ottawa to help mark the 80th anniversary of the Victory in Europe Day. 80 pipers will line Wellington Street starting at 3 pm at the Canadian War Museum and each play a tune of their choosing for 1 ... Read more

The 2025 West Toronto Ball

Toronto, ON , Canada

Scottish country dance event. The programme contains a lovely selection of dances suited to delight both newer and experienced dancers, to the live music of Scotch & Soda, at the banquet hall at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 101, 3850 Lake Shore Blvd W. Info:

Victoria Highland Games & Celtic Festival

Victoria, BC , Canada

A family-focused weekend of Scottish and Celtic arts and culture including pipe band competitions, Scottish Highland dancing competitions, Heavy Events, Clans and more at Topaz Park. Info:

World Whisky Day

World Whisky Day invites everyone to try a dram and celebrate the water of life. Events are taking place all over the globe. Info:

Halifax Celtic Festival

Halifax, NS , Canada

A celebration of Celtic culture and music at at Spatz Theatre. Info:

Spirit of Scotch

Gravenhurst, ON , Canada

The Spirit of Scotch is an evening filled with five of the finest Scotch whiskies paired with sumptuous food at the Gravenhurst Centennial Centre. Savour the rich flavours of exclusive Scotches from five distinguished Scottish distilleries and participate in an auction of unique and hard to obtain whiskies. Info:

Gathering of the Scots Festival

Perth-Andover, NB , Canada

Highland Games, pipe bands, Celtic entertainment, clans and more. Info:

Moncton Highland Games & Scottish Festival

Moncton, NB , Canada

Highland dance, pipes & drums, heavy events, and sword competitions as well as demonstrations, workshops, live entertainment, and cultural exhibitions  at the Hal Betts Sportsplex. Info:

Georgetown Highland Games

Georgetown, ON , Canada

Celebrating 50 years of Scottish tradition at the Georgetown Fair Grounds. Info:

Northumberland Scottish Festival and Highland Games

Port Hope, ON

A celebration of Scotland with pipe bands, clans, entertainment and more for the whole family at Port Hope Agricultural Park, 62 McCaul St. Info:


Coquitlam, BC , Canada

British Columbia Highland Games with piping, drumming & pipe bands competitions, highland dancing, heavy events, massed pipe bands, whisky school, cultural workshops and more at Town Centre Park. Info:

Manitoba Highland Gathering

East Selkirk, MB , Canada

Pipe Bands, Highland Dancers, Heavy Games, Canoe/Kayak Races, Sheep shearing, Clan booths, Sword demos at Legacy Park. Info:

KitchenFest-Féis a’ Chidsin

Cape Breton, NS , Canada

Concerts and céilidhs, pub nights and square dances-a celebration of Gaelic culture. Info:

Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo

Halifax, NS , Canada

There’s something for everyone at the Tattoo: marching bands, acrobats, dancers, military displays, pipes and drums, and much more at the Scotiabank Centre. Info:

KitchenFest! Féis a’ Chidsin!

Cape Breton, NS , Canada

This annual event offers both locals and visitors an immersive experience into the rich and vibrant Gaelic culture of the island, bringing the warmth of the kitchen-céilidh atmosphere to life. Enjoy concerts, céilidhs, plays, pub nights, and square dances while revelling in the breathtaking scenery, cuisine, and hospitality of the island. Info:

Kingsville Highland Games

Kingsville, ON , Canada

Due to scheduling conflicts, the Kingsville-Essex Highland Games announces the postponement of their 2025 event. The organizing committee has begun working on a new immersive Scottish experience for 2026. Info:

Red Deer Highland Games

Red Deer, AB , Canada

Clans, pipe bands, kilted run, heavy events, Celtic market and more at Central Middle School, 5121-48 Ave. Info:

Embro Highland Games

Embro, ON , Canada

Experience a day full of Scottish tradition with pipe bands, heavy events, Highland dance and more. Info:

Happy Canada Day

Wishing all our Canadian readers, advertisers and friends a very Happy Canada Day!

Penticton Scottish Festival

Penticton, BC , Canada

Pipe bands, Scottish dance, Clans, heavy events, entertainment and more at King’s Park. Info:

Almonte Celtfest 2025

Almonte, ON , Canada

A fun weekend of Ottawa Valley and Celtic entertainment, performed in the natural amphitheater of Gemmill Park in the heart of Almonte. Info:

Halifax Highland Games & Scottish Festival

Halifax, NS , Canada

After a 15 year hiatus, the Halifax Highland Games are coming back. Pipe bands, dancers and more at the Halifax Commons. Info:

Antigonish Highland Games

Antigonish, NS , Canada

The longest running Highland Games in North America-with a full program of traditional Scottish events and entertainment. Info:

Kamloops Highland Games

Kamloops, BC , Canada

Celebrating Scottish culture at Albert McGowan Park, 2025 Summit Dr. Info:

Highland Storm 2025

Summerside, PE , Canada

An exhilarating evening of Celtic music and dance that will captivate the audience with stunning displays of the Highland and step dancers and breathtaking sounds from the pipes and drums, at the Scott MacAulay Performing Arts Centre. Info:

Orillia Scottish Festival

Orillia, ON , Canada

Pipe bands, parade, clans, Scottish dance, Celtic vendors and more at Couchiching Park. Info:

Cambridge Scottish Festival

Cambridge, ON , Canada

Come see pipe bands featuring musicians from throughout North America, highland dance competitions, the Children’s Glen, the athleticism of heavy events, and a host of vendors and cultural attractions at Churchill Park. Info:

Sherwood Park Highland Gathering

Sherwood Park, AB , Canada

The event consists of piping and drumming competitions, massed band performances, Highland Dance competitions, and Scottish heavy games. There will also be children’s activities, food trucks, beer gardens, community market with local makers and Scottish Clan booths, and a family Ceilidh, held on the Salisbury High School Athletic Fields in Broadmoor Lake Park. Info:

New Brunswick Highland Games

Fredericton, NB , Canada

A celebration of Scotland on the beautiful grounds of historic Government House. Info:

Uxbridge Scottish Festival

Uxbridge, ON , Canada

The day is packed with many events such as the Highland Dance Competition, a Scottish Dog Breed Exhibition, special performances by musicians, and of course lots of pipe bands. Info:

Glengarry Highland Games

Maxville, ON , Canada

A celebration of Scottish tradition with Scottish heavy events, pipes bands and the North American Pipe Band Championships, Scottish Clans, Celtic entertainment and more. Info:

​Montreal Highland Games

Verdun, QC , Canada

Bringing together Montrealers of all backgrounds to celebrate Scottish sport, music and culture at ​Douglas Hospital grounds. Info:

T.A.C. Summer School

Sherbrooke, QC , Canada

Join Scottish country dancers from far and wide for a week of dancing fun at beautiful Bishop’s University. Info:

80th Fergus Scottish Festival

Fergus, ON , Canada

An annual three-day event that celebrates local Scottish heritage and features world-renowned talent and entertainment. Featuring: Heavy Events Competitions, Pipe Band Competitions, Highland Dancers, over 50 Clans & Heritage Village, Whisky Tasting, McKiddie’s Centre, Celtic musicians and international vendors featuring Scottish wares and more. Info:

Goderich Celtic Roots Festival

Goderich, ON , Canada

The ultimate Celtic experience on the shores of Lake Huron with Celtic music, vendors, entertainment and more. Info:

Campbell River Highland Gathering

Campbell River, BC , Canada

A weekend of Scottish culture featuring pipe bands, dance, athletics, clans and more at Nunns Creek Park, 1465 16 Ave. Info:

The Gathering of the Clans Highland Festival

Sedgewick, AB , Canada

A day full of highland activities, such as heavy events, highland dancing, festival entertainers, a kids zone, artisan and food vendors, and more. The day concludes with a Cèilidh (dance)  performed by a live band. Info:

North Lanark Highland Games

Almonte, ON , Canada

Celebrate the Scottish culture and heritage of the Ottawa Valley at NLAS Fairgrounds. Info:

Canmore Highland Games

Canmore, AB , Canada

A celebration of Celtic culture in the beautiful Canadian Rockies. Pipe bands, Clans, Celtic entertainment, Heavy events and much more. Info:

2025 Celtic Island Music Festival

Toronto, ON , Canada

Send summer out in style with a day of Celtic music and dance on Toronto Island. There will be cold drinks, great food and incredible views on the best patio in the city. Info;

Celtic Colours International Festival

Cape Breton, NS , Canada

A unique celebration of Cape Breton Island's living traditional culture-discover hundreds of events and activities taking place in communities all over the Island. Info:

St. Andrew’s Society of Toronto Charity Ball 2025

Toronto, ON , Canada

The St. Andrew’s Charity Ball is an annual celebration of Scottish-Canadian culture. Attendees have been enjoying this elegant evening of music, dance and cuisine for well over 100 years, at the Fairmont Royal York.  Info:

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