The Scottish Banner is committed to offering quality and accurate content and information. We welcome feedback on the quality of our content, regardless of if we got it right or wrong. We passionately believe this makes us a better publication for all and will take on board comments of praise or complaint to help improve future coverage.
Any concerns raised that require feedback or are complaints will be dealt with within a reasonable time frame, and no longer than 14 days from date of receipt.
To make a complaint:
Complaints may be lodged to us that relate to news reports, articles, editorials, letters, images, adverts, or other published material. If lodging a complaint please provide a link to the material if it was published online or, if found in our printed/digital edition, provide the publication title, date, page and headline details and any other documents that will help us assess your complaint. You may choose to provide your full contact details or do so anonymously, if we have no way to reach you, we need as much information as possible to action any request.
There is no charge to lodge a complaint and this process is open to anyone. Complaints normally should be made within 30 days of the first publication of the relevant material.
Our response
We will contact you (if you have provided a method to do so) with our response and outline any actions we will or will not take. All complainants will be treated fairly, courteously and with respect. We are unable to respond to any complaints that are made in an abusive or offensive manner. If you are not satisfied with our conclusions you are welcome to challenge our assessment of your complaint within 14 days of receiving our correspondence. We will further consider the matter and respond.
If we are unable to deal with any part of your complaint to a reasonable satisfaction, we will endeavour to provide advice about where such issues and/or complaints may be directed (if known and appropriate).
If you are lodging a complaint about one of our advertisers, please let us know in the first instance to allow us to comment. If you are then not satisfied with the outcome the Advertising Standards Bureau may be contacted.
An online enquiry form is available on the Contact Us page or you can send your comments in writing to:
The Scottish Banner
PO Box 6202
Marrickville South, NSW
Contact information also appears on page 2 of every edition of the Scottish Banner.
A copy of our complaints process can also be emailed or posted to you.
Our Editorial Guidelines can be viewed at: