Grand Scottish Marches

AUD $24.95

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A collection of Scottish marching tunes performed by a wide range of artists: The Pipes And Drums Of Leanisch, The Scottish Fiddle Orchestra, Queen’s Own Highlanders, Sir Jimmy Shand Snr, Jimmy Shand Jnr, Massed Bands & Pipes, Donald Lindsay, Sandy Coghill, Freeland Barbour and Buccleuch & Queensbury Caledonia Pipe Band. Military bands, pipers, and the cream of Scottish massed fiddlers – marches have the ability to uplift emotions and empower the listener.23 tracks (1h 3mins): Scotland The Brave,Grand March – Our Princess Royal,The Rose Of Allendale ,The Star O’ Robbie Burns,Bagpipe Marches,Massed Bands And Pipes Serenade, Catriona Shand’s Wedding March ,Pipe March Selection,The Atholl Highlanders, March Of The Clans,John McDonald’s March,The Lochs Of North Uist, March, Strathspey And Reel,The Hen’s March Through The Midden ,The Black Bear, Marches Medley,Glenfinnan – Raising The Standard,The New Road To Atholl,The Crusaders,6/8 March * March Of The Cellos ,The Black Isle Medley & Wi’ A Hundred Pipers.

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